Deadline: 15th march 2024 | Designed to provide young, talented and deserving ASEAN nationals with full scholarships to pursue their undergraduate programme at a prestigious university outside their own countries, but within the ASEAN region, and in the process promote intra-ASEAN integration.
The ASEAN-Maybank Scholarship Programme was launched in conjunction with the 54th anniversary ASEAN Day celebration in Jakarta on 8 August 2021. The first intake of scholars under the ASEAN-Maybank Scholarship Programme was in 2022, and through ASEAN Foundation and in cooperation with the ASEAN University Network, the focus will initially be on placing selected scholars in top public universities in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines and gradually expanding it to the remaining ASEAN countries. The ASEAN University Network membership currently stands at 30 core member universities with additional of 11 associate universities in the 10 ASEAN Member States with its Secretariat based at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok.
The regional scholarship programme will help contribute to the aspirations of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint 2025, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 4, 10, and 17) to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education, and simultaneously be in support of Maybank Group’s goal to “improve the lives of 1 million households across ASEAN by 2025” as one of its sustainability commitments.
To be eligible for the ASEAN-Maybank Scholarship, applicants must meet all the below requirements:
- Citizenship from all 10 ASEAN member states.
- Intending to pursue OR currently pursuing an undergraduate study at prestigious universities outside their own countries but within the ASEAN University Network (AUN) member and associates universities across ASEAN as follows:
- Received acceptance letter from universities within AUN member or its associates and obtain a minimum CGPA of 3.00 or its equivalent during foundation studies, OR
- Currently in first year of undergraduate study at university within AUN members or its associates and maintain a minimum CGPA of 3.00 or equivalent.
- Strong academic record and active involvement in extracurricular activities.
- Field of study must be among the approved disciplines for the program (refer to the list of Discipline of Studies, below).
Potential scholars will undergo a rigorous selection process. Maybank Foundation & ASEAN Foundation will jointly screen shortlisted candidates and make the final selection for approval.
- Laptop
- Tuition Fees
- Settling-In Allowance (one-off)
- Monthly Allowance
- Accommodation Allowance
- Transportation Allowance
- University Admission Fees + Student Visa
- Insurance Coverage
- Return Economy Air Passage
- Internship opportunities & semester break assignment programmes at the ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN Foundation or Maybank offices regionally.
- Volunteering / participating in Maybank & Maybank Foundation’s existing flagship programmes regionally.
- Certification on Future Ready skills, i.e. programming, coding, design thinking, & scrum.
Upon graduation, scholars will serve a 3-Year bond at either Maybank, the ASEAN Secretariat or ASEAN Foundation.
- Arts and Design
- Business and Management
- Computer Science and Information Technology
- Education
- Engineering and Technology
- Environmental Science / Studies
- Humanities
- Mathematics
- Social Sciences
- Future Ready-Related Courses (for example: Data Science and Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning, Digital Marketing, Environmental Sustainability, etc.)
Find out more and apply at the official link below:
Apply before 15th March, 2024